Well, I haven't travelled any where of late, just been tearing up the road between the house and MUN for work. In my non-working hours, I've spent a bit of time making some Christmas decorations. I'm teaching myself to crochet, so the crochet snowflake chain and the crochet stars (which I just strung together) to hang in the window have been good practice.

Below is a close-up of the gingerbread house that Pat and I just assembled. It was Pat's first gingerbread house buiding ever, but since he's working in construction these days the skills transferred over well. I haven't done a gingerbread house since I was a kid back with my Mom.

This is Pat's gingerbread man, complete with shocking blue eyes and curly brown hair.

I made a few knitted decorations which I felted, including this snowman who has turned out rather demented-looking. I think I need to find something for his nose to soften the face. The way the hat shape turned out makes me think that he's an angry Russian. And the face makes me think of The Nightmare Before Christmas.

And on to other people's decorations. I was behind this truck at a stop-light (it just turned green as I took the picture) a couple of weeks ago. First time I've seen a tree in a truck.