In the interest of viewing Charlottetown from afar (and because it was too hot midday to go for a walk), I drove out to Rocky Point, south west of Charlottetown and on Charlottetown Harbour.
Sailboat on the harbour and some neat clouds.
Blockhouse Point Lighthouse (this is near the first capital of the Island, Port-La-Joye, back when PEI was French territory called Ile-St-Jean. The site then became Fort Amherst when the British took over the Island)
View of Charlottetown from across the harbour (I need a better zoom on my camera for a shot like this). The tallest building is the Prince Edward Hotel; you can also see the two spires of St. Dunstan's Basilica.
Old wharf; I believe there might have been a ferry across the harbour before, possibly from here? I need some old folks to fill me in on that one.
West River bridge and a sign seen on most bridges around here: "Bridge freezes before road". Important to know in winter time, but not so much this time of year.
West River again and some more neat clouds. Some farms thrown in for good measure.
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